Thursday, February 5, 2009

Employment Terms

1. EVALUATION:An act or instance of evaluating or appraising.
2. ASSESSMENTS:The act of assessing; appraisal.
3. BACKGROUND CHECK:A surch to see more about you
4. BENEFITS:Something that promotes or enhances well-being.
5. COLD CALL:A visit or telephone call to a customer without an appointment or a previous introduction.
6. COMPENSATION PACKAGE:A pakage you get for compensation.
7. GROSS PAY:What you get before taxes are taken out.
8. FICA:Federal Insurance Contributions Act.
9. OSHA:Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
10. NET PAY:What you get paid after taxes are taken out.
11. DEDUCTIONS:An amount that is or may be deducted.
12. INTERNSHIP:The period during which a person serves as an intern.
13. OUTSOURCING:To contract out (jobs, services, etc.)
14. NETWORKING:A supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest
15. OCCUPATIONAL OUTLOOK HANDBOOK:A hand book you get for your job.
16. SALARY:A fixed compensation periodically paid to a person for work or services.
17. TELECOMMUTING:Working at home by using a computer terminal electronically linked to one's place of employment.
18. TEMPING: A temporary worker, as in an office.
19. THANK YOU LETTERS:A letter of thanks.
20. WORK-PLACE VALUES:Values you have at your job.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Work Schedule Week #22

mon 7:00-9:00&2:30-5:00
tue 7:00-8:00&2:30-5:00
wen 7:00-8:00&2:30-5:00
thu 7:00-8:00&2:30-5:00
fri 7:00-8:00&2:30-5:00